The Hermione Granger Quiz
The Hermione Granger Quiz

“Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself.” – Hermione Granger
Hermione is what we call a bright girl. She knows everything and knows how to react no matter what situation she is in.
She is often the one who saves the trio many times. Her knowledge, especially of Charms, will often save her and the others.
In addition, Hermione has an amazing ability to learn. She is also very bold and determined, which will cause her classmates to often make fun of her.
They will call her, among other things, "Miss Know-it-all", an insult that will be particularly inflicted on her by Professor Snape.
Despite this, Hermione is a very sensitive girl with a big heart. She is empathetic and will often help Harry and Ron, but also Ginny who will become her best friend.
Finally, Hermione is determined and dedicated to many causes, such as the S.P.E.W. (Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare) and it was also her idea to create the D.A. (Dumbledore's Army) during her fifth year.
Do you think you know Hermione? Let's find out now with this 20 questions quiz.
Get through to the end to see your score. Remember that there is only one good response per question.