The Hedwig Quiz

The Hedwig Quiz

"Hooot hooot, hooot hooot... hooooot!" - Hedwig

Hedwig was united with Harry Potter just before his first days at Hogwarts. A union that will last for years.

She's an elegant white owl that has a strong character and is described as proud and dignified.

She also makes a lot of noise when she stays in her cage for too long. Which naturally pushes Harry Potter to let her fly free on a daily basis.

Hedwig is very loyal to Harry and often shows her affection by nibbling him.

She has sometimes argued with him, but they have always made up. There was a deep relationship between them.

Hedwig is a good hunter and often brings her prey to Harry. An experience that often left him in uncommon situations.

Harry Potter will often count on her to deliver his letters to Sirius Black. A task she always filled to perfection.

Her travels will even put her in a life-threatening situation after Voldemort's return.

Which forced Harry Potter to use the school owls for some time in order to preserve his beloved owl.

Do you know Hedwig as much as you love it? This quiz is made for you!

Go through all the questions to get your score. There is only one good answer per question. So let's get started!