The Werewolf Quiz

The Werewolf Quiz

"You have only ever seen me amongst the Order, or under Dumbledore's protection at Hogwarts! You don't know how most of the wizarding world sees creatures like me! When they know of my affliction, they can barely talk to me!" - Remus Lupin

A werewolf is very similar in appearance to a normal wolf. But we can say that they are not equally terrifying.

Although many will feel safer if they encounter a wolf, especially if it's not that hungry.

The differences between them are subtle and make it difficult to physically distinguish one from the other.

Although a werewolf is physically very close to a common wolf, its behavior is very different.

A wolf is not naturally aggressive and will only attack a human in exceptional circumstances.

Whereas a werewolf will be extremely aggressive and bloodthirsty towards humans.

When he is not in his wolf form, the human werewolf cannot be distinguished for his pairs.

The difference occurs brutally each full moon. During that time, the werewolf transforms into a deadly creature.

This transformation will leave that person particularly weak in the days after.

He will then need to rest and recover from the painful time he has spent as a werewolf.

How well do you know werewolves? Enough to not approach them during their phase you would say!

Let's test your knowledge with this quiz. Go through all the questions to see your score.

Remember that each question has only one good response. Good luck!