
The Severus Snape Quiz

The Severus Snape Quiz

"Always." - Severus Snape

Severus Snape is a talented and secretive wizard who occupied the functions of a teacher, then headmaster at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Snape is generally perceived as very cold, lonely, calculating, and sarcastic. But above all, he is courageous and sure of himself and his abilities.

He was a brilliant student during his school years and later on a very powerful wizard.

As a first-year student at Hogwarts, Sirius Black even claimed that Snape knew more spells than most seventh years.

Particularly adept at making potions, Snape improved many of them while still a student.

He has real skills in potions, but he is also drawn or rather passionate about the dark arts.

The Dark Mark appears on his left forearm but is not always clearly visible.

He always wears a long cape and a black cloak that gives him the appearance of a bat.

As a teacher, he was often harsh and ruthless towards the students, especially those who aren't Slytherin.

He particularly despises Harry Potter and often taunts him by insulting his father, James Potter.

It is revealed that throughout his school years, Snape and James Potter were the worst enemies.

By being a key member of both the Death Eaters and the Order of the Phoenix, Snape played a major role during Voldemort's fight for supremacy.

How well do you know Severus Snape? Test yourself by going through this in-depth quiz.

Each question has only one good answer. Get through the end to see your score and share it with your friends.


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