The Phoenix Quiz

"Fascinating creatures, phoenixes." - Albus Dumbledore
The phoenix is a mythological bird known to rise from its ashes once its time comes.
Its classification is not related to any aggressiveness but means that it is extremely difficult to domesticate.
The phoenix lives to a very old age but has the ability to regenerate. When its body begins to decline, it suddenly bursts into flames and is immediately reborn from its ashes as a chick.
These colorful magical creatures are particularly loyal and will stay with their companion for their whole life.
Very few people are known to have possessed a phoenix. But those who did can confirm that phoenixes will do anything they can to protect their companion.
Albus Dumbledore was one of them. His phoenix was often seen resting in his office and stood beside him his whole life.
Phoenixes have many magical abilities and can be of great help in the creation of very powerful wands.
How well do you know phoenixes? This quiz will test your knowledge of one of the rarest and most fascinating magical creatures of the wizarding world.
Each question has only one good answer. Answer all the questions to know your score and your mark.
Now let the quiz begin, click on the start button below!