Healers in the wizarding world

No one is safe from an injury in the wizarding world. Whether it is unprepared students or confirmed witches and wizards, magic is a discipline that must be approached with a minimum of caution. The unlucky ones who get harmed will often have to visit their local hospital in order to be treated correctly.

St Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries:

Britain’s witches and wizards usually go to St Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries if their health is seriously deteriorating. Founded by Mungo Bonham in the 1600s, the hospital is situated in London, and similar to many official buildings, it has a hidden entry to keep the wondering muggles out of its buildings.

The hospital counts several floors, each with its own particularities destined to treat a certain type of maladies or just to accommodate the visitors:

Ground Floor

The reception is located on the ground floor. Its role is to send the incoming patients to the right aisle in the Hospital or place them in the emergency waiting area. The reception also greets visitors and show them where their relatives are staying.

The aisle treating artifact accidents is also situated on the ground floor. It treats cauldron explosions, wands accidents, and other artifacts related injuries. Katie Bell was reportedly treated in this aisle when she touched the cursed Opal Necklace.

First Floor:

The first floor hosts the maladies linked to creatures attacks. It counts the “Dangerous” Dai Llewellyn Ward for Serious Bites, where Arthur Weasley was treated after he got attacked by Nagini, Voldemort’s snake.

Second Floor:

The second floor is for magical ailments and diseases. They are treated in the “Magical Bugs” ward that treats illnesses like Dragon Pox and Scrofungulus.

Third Floor:

The third floor treats potions and plant poisoning. 

Fourth Floor:

The fourth floor hosts the permanent residents of the Hospital. It is designed to take care of those who fall victim to irreversible spell damages, and to treat patients that need to stay at the hospital for a long period. Patients on the fourth floor will sometimes receive intensive remedial potions and charms in the hope to improve their condition. 

On this floor, we find the permanent residence such as Gilderoy Lockhart, a former teacher of Defence Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts, and Neville’s parents, Frank and Alice Longbottom, former Aurors.

This floor also houses the Janus Thickey Ward that treat spell damage. The ward hosted many wizards such as Minerva McGonagal when she was attacked by the Aurors under Umbridge orders, and Andromeda Tonks when she got struck by Bellatrix Lestrange at the Battle of the Department of Mysteries.

Fifth Floor:

The fifth floor hosts the tearoom and the hospital shop. Visitors will go there to rest around a drink or to buy gifts for the patients.

Muggles can also be treated in the hospital if they fall victim to magical injuries. The memories of that place will naturally be wiped using a memory charm before they leave the place.

The hospital is open to receive donations directly or through donation spots like the one in the Fountain of Magical Brethren at the Ministry of Magic.

Schools Hospital Wings:

Schools have their own hospital wings to treat minor illnesses and magical injuries. Students can often find themself in dangerous situations knowing they are not yet fully mastering their magical powers. 

Madam Poppy Pomfrey, the Matron at Hogwarts School, has been in post for at least 25 years. She healed generations of students and teachers and made them stand on their feet again. 

Madam Pomfrey is a highly skilled healer capable of healing many minor injuries in a blink of an eye, regrow bones, and bring petrified people to their initial state.

But when the injury is too serious, Pomfrey will send her patients to St Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.


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