
Harry Potter characters list


We present you with an A – Z Harry Potter characters list to satisfy your researches on the Wizarding lore.


Abbot, Hannah : A Hufflepuff student from 1991 to 1998. She was a member of the A.D. and fought in the Battle of Hogwarts on 2 May, 1998.

Abercrombie, Euan : A Gryffindor student who joined Hogwarts in 1995, he believes all the slander against Harry in the Daily Prophet.

Aragog : Giant spider having been brought to Hogwarts by Hagrid, she was suspected of being the monster of the Chamber of Secrets and had to flee to live in the Forbidden Forest where she became the king of spiders.

Avery : A Death Eater who claimed to have acted under the influence of the Imperium, he worked at the Ministry of Magic and was punished by Voldemort himself.


Bane : Chief of the centaurs living in the Forbidden Forest that borders Hogwarts, he is very impulsive and always ready to start a fight. He hates wizards and their supposed superiority. He refuses to ally himself with them and is constantly in conflict with Firenze, who is much more open to the wizarding people.

Belby, Marcus : Ravenclaw student from 1990 to 1997. His uncle Damocles invented the Wolfsbane Potion.

Bell, Katie: Gryffindor student, one of the three chasers on the Quidditch team. She is a member of the A.D.

Binns, Cuthbert : The History of Magic professor, this rather dull teacher is the only one who is a ghost. Legend has it that he fell asleep at his desk, and when he woke up, his body remained on his chair and he continued his work as if nothing had happened. The monotony of his work is enough to discourage the most courageous, and only Hermione seems to listen to his lectures.

Black, Elladora : Sirius Black’s aunt, she started the family tradition of beheading house elves too old to carry tea trays.

Black, Regulus Arcturus : Sirius’ younger brother. He joined the Death Eaters and went so far as to lend Kreattur to Voldemort to help him hide his horcrux in the Cave, but he soon wanted to leave the Death Eaters, afraid of what was being asked of him. He returned to the Cave to steal the horcrux and was dragged away by the Inferi while Kreattur brought the locket back to safety.

Black, Sirius : Former Gryffindor student, best friend of James Potter and best man at his wedding, he is also Harry’s godfather. He is wrongly accused of being a Death Eater and of having caused the death of Harry’s parents and is sent to Azkaban without a trial. Sirius is an undeclared Animagus who can transform into a dog (hence his nickname Padfoot) and was once a member of the Marauders. He managed to escape from Azkaban, then from Hogwarts thanks to Harry and Hermione and lived hidden in his former family house. He is impetuous and courageous, and looks after Harry as if he was his son. He dies during the confrontation in the Department of Mysteries at the end of Harry’s fifth year.

Bloody Baron : Ghost of Slytherin. When he was alive, he fell in love with Helena Ravenclaw, Rowena’s daughter and future Ravenclaw’s ghost. When she rejected his advances, he killed her before committing suicide.

Borgin : Co-owner of the “Borgin and Burkes” store located at 13B, Knockturn Alley.

Burke, Caractacus : Original founder of the Borgin & Burkes store. He disappeared misteriously after 1992.

Bole, Lucian : Slytherin student from 1988 to 1995. He was the beater on his house Quidditch team until 1994.

Bones, Amelia Susan : Aunt of Susan Bones, she is the director of the Department of Magical Justice. Her brother Edgar and his family were killed by Death Eaters.

Bones, Susan : A Hufflepuff student from 1991-1998, she was a member of the D.A. in her fifth year at Hogwarts.

Boot, Terry : A Ravenclaw student from 1991 to 1998 and member of his Quidditch team, he was a member of the D.A.

Brown, Lavender : Gryffindor student from 1991 to 1998, best friend of Parvati who loves the divination class. She was a member of the D.A. and dated Ron in theur sixth year. She was killed by Fenrir Greyback during the Battle of Hogwarts.

Burbage, Charity : Muggle Studies teacher at Hogwarts. She was an advocate for Muggle-born wizards and even Muggles. This commitment cost her dearly as she was tortured and killed by Voldemort.

Bryce, Frank : Veteran of the Second World War, a war which caused him many physical handicaps. He lived in Little Hangleton where he was the Riddle’ gardener. Suspected of their murder, then released for lack of evidence, he continued to live in the house until the summer before Harry entered his school’s fourth year. He was killed by Voldemort, who had found a temporary refuge in the said house.

Buckbeak : A Hippogriff raised by Hagrid, he was sentenced to death by the Ministry in Harry’s third year. Thanks to Hermione’s Time Turner, she and Harry managed to save him and helped him escape with Sirius, with whom he stayed until his death. He was later renamed Witherwings.

Bullstrode, Milicent : A Slytherin student from 1991 to 1998 and friend of Draco, she is one of Hermione’s worst enemies. She is a member of Umbridge’s Inquisitorial Brigade.

Bagman, Ludovic : Minister of the Department of Magical Games and Sports and former high-level Quidditch player (beater for the Wimbourne Wasps), he is a wizard always scheming and riddled with debts, he disappeared after the Third Task.

Bode, Broderick : Former Unspeakable, a Death Eater attack caused him to lose his speech. He was murdered by a Devil’s Net, which was purposely sent to St Mungo’s where he was being treated.



Carmichael, Eddie : Ravenclaw student from 1990 to 1997. He offers a bottle of Baruffio’s Brain Elixir to Harry and Ron, for their O.W.L.s.

Carrow Alecto : Death Eater who broke into Hogwarts during the Battle of the Astronomy Tower, sister of Amycus. In 1997, when Hogwarts falls to the Death Eaters, she becomes the Muggle Studies teacher.

Carrow Amycus : Brother of Alecto Carrow, he became the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher under Snape’s regime.

Cadogan, Sir : This knight and his grey pony live in one of Hogwarts portraits. A wacky character, he is undoubtedly full of goodwill. He even offers to replace the Fat Lady after she got attacked by Sirius Black.

Chang, Cho : A young woman who is the dream of many Hogwarts boys, she is a seekfer for the Ravenclaw Quidditch team. She dated Harry for a short time in his fifth year and was a member of the A.D.

Cole, Mrs : Matron of the orphanage where Tom Riddle was born.

Coote, Ritchie : Gryffindor’s beater in 1997.

Corner, Michael : A Ravenclaw student and Ginny’s boyfriend since the Christmas Ball, he joined the A.D. Ginny dropped him for being too critical of the Gryffindor team, which won the Slytherin team, and he ended up dating Cho.

Crabbe, Vincent : Draco Malfoy’s inseparable and dim-witted companion, his father is a Death Eater.

Cresswell, Dirk : Director of the Goblin Liaison Office, a former student of Slughorn.

Crivey, Colin : Gryffindor student, Harry Potter’s number one fan. He is a member of the D.A.

Crivey, Denis : Colin’s younger brother, he is a member of the D.A.

Crockford, Doris : A witch who is seen in 1991 at the Leaky Cauldron where she wanted to shake Harry’s hand. She is of very little interest, but her name comes up several times later.

Crouch, Bartemius Sr : Minister of International Magical Cooperation, he was a fierce fighter against the dark forces. He did not hesitate to send his own son to Azkaban, who, in revenge, killed him before the third task of the Triwizard Tournament.

Crouch, Bartemius Jr : Son of Bartemius Senior, he was one of Voldemort’s strongest supporters. Sentenced to life in Azkaban by his father, he managed to escape thanks to his mother who, with the help of a Polyjuice potion, took his place in Azkaban and died there. Bartemius Jr. is forced to live under the influence of the Imperium, from which he manages to free himself to try to bring Harry to his master. To do this, he captures Alastor Moody, known as Mad-Eye, impersonates him as a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, and in turn subjects his father to the Imperium. Captured by Dumbledore and delivered to the Ministry, he undergoes the terrible Dementor’s kiss.

Crookshanks : Hermione’s “cat”, with orange fur and a flat face, he quickly detects the true nature of Wormtail and helps Sirius find him. His exceptional intelligence makes him a very good companion for Hermione.

Clearwater, Penelope : Ravenclaw student and Hogwarts Head Prefect who dated Percy.



Davies , Roger : A Ravenclaw student, captain and chaser of his house Quidditch team, he goes to the Yule Ball with Fleur Delacour. He asks Cho out, but she refuses and uses this argument to make Harry jealous during his fifth year.

Dearborn, Caradoc : A member of the First Order of the Phoenix, he is missing and presumed dead.

Delacour, Fleur : A student at the French wizarding school of Beauxbatons, she has a younger sister, Gabrielle, who turns out to be the person she cares about most during the second task. She gets engaged to Bill Weasley, whom she marries later.

Delacour, Gabrielle : Fleur’s sister, a student at Beauxbatons.

Delaney-Podmore, Sir Patrick : President of the Headless Hunters’ Club, he always refused Nick a place because of his partial decapitation.

Derrick : Slytherin student, beater on the Quidditch team until 1995.

Diggle, Dedalus : He works at the Ministry of Magic. He is responsible for the rain of shooting stars following the first fall of Voldemort, which has confused the muggles. He is member of the Order of the Phoenix since the beginning.

Diggory, Amos : Father of Cedric Diggory, works in the Department of Control and Regulation of Magical Creatures.

Diggory, Cedric : Seeker and Hufflepuff Prefect, he is one of the four Hogwarts champions. Cedric was beautiful boy with gray eyes and an athletic body that made him the school’s favorite and Cho Chang’s boyfriend. He was murdered at the end of the Tournament by Wormtail.

Dippet, Armando : Dumbledore’s predecessor as Headmaster of Hogwarts when Voldemort was still a student.

Doge, Elphias : Member of the Order of the Phoenix since the beginning. He is responsible for the rain of shooting stars following the fall of Voldemort, witch Member of the Order of the Phoenix since the beginning.

Dobby : A former house elf of the Malfoy’s, he betrayed them to save Harry, whom he worships like a god. At the end of the second year, Harry devises a scheme to force Lucius to release him. He has been working at Hogwarts ever since and has proven to be an unexpected ally in certain situations. He is stabbed by Bellatrix Lestrange while helping Harry and his friends escape from Malfoy Manor Birthday: June 28.

Doge, Elphias : A member of the Order of the Phoenix from the beginning, he is part of the bodyguard that allows Harry to leave Privet Drive.

Dolohov, Antonin : A Death Eater, he was imprisoned in Azkaban for the murder of the Prewett brothers. He managed to escape with Bellatrix Lestrange to join Voldemort. He was recaptured after the battle of the Department of Mysteries.

Dorcas, Meadows : A member of the First Order of the Phoenix, Voldemort himself was responsible for his execution.

Dumbledore, Albus (Percval Wilfric Brian) : Headmaster of Hogwarts. Considered by many to be the greatest wizard of modern times, Dumbledore became famous for crushing the notorious wizard Grindelwald in 1945. Dumbledore had been very close to Grindelwald in his youth and dreamed of a wizarding world for a time, but he cut ties with Grindelwald when his sister died. He worked closely with the alchemist Nicolas Flamel and is credited with the discovery of the properties of dragon’s blood. Professor Dumbledore’s favorite pastimes are bowling and chamber music. He is also the only one that Voldemort has ever feared. Founder of the Order of the Phoenix, He gets killed by Severus Snape.

Dumbledore, Ariana : Dumbledore’s little sister, at the age of 6 she was attacked by 3 muggles, which left her with significant post traumatic stress that prevented her from controlling her magic well, so much so that at the age of 14 she accidentally killed her mother. She died a few months later in a fight between her two brothers and Grindelwald.

Dursley, Dudley : Cousin of Harry, absolutely huge and mean like his parents. He is the head of a gang of teenagers who spread terror and is called “Big D” by his friends.

Dursley, Marjorie : Vernon’s sister.

Dursley, Petunia : Harry’s equally evil aunt. Sister of Lily and Dudley’s mother.

Dursley, Vernon : Uncle of Harry. Nasty, obtuse, refuses to believe that the magical world exists at all.



Edgecombe, Marietta : Ravenclaw student and friend of Cho Chang, she is initially part of the A.D. She betrayed the group on Umbridge’s orders. This action activated Hermione’s jinx that caused boils to erupt on Marietta’s face. Her mother works at the Ministry of Magic as a Floo Network Regulator

Errol : An old grey owl that belongs to the Weasley family.



Fat Friar : Hufflepuff ghost.

Fenwick, Benjy : A member of the first Order of the Phoenix, he was killed by Death Eaters. Only a few pieces of him were found.

Figg, Arabella Doreen : A resident of Wisteria Walk, three blocks away from Harry’s house when he lived at 4 Privet Drive. This eccentric little old lady who loves cats and whose house smells like cabbage is in fact a squibe in charge of Harry’s surveillance. He doesn’t learn this until the summer before his fifth year at Hogwarts.

Fridwulfa : Giantess, mother of Graup and Hagrid, whom she abandoned when he was still very young.

Finch-Fletchley, Justin : Hufflepuff student and a muggle-born wizard. He was petrified by the Basilisk in his 2nd year at Hogwarts. He is a member of the D.A.

Finnigan, Seamus : A Gryffindor student who shares a dormitory with Harry, he is best friends with Dean Thomas and is a member of the D.A.

Firenze : A centaur and friend to Harry Pooter. Firenze first saves Harry from his fellow centaurs while Harry is being punished in the Forbidden Forest in his first year. Chased out of the herd by Bane in Harry’s fifth year, he joins Hogwarts as a Divination classes.

Fletcher, Mondingus : A scheming wizard and a a thief in his own time, he and Mrs. Figgs were in charge of Harry’s supervision in the 4th Privet Drive. His contacts with unsavory wizards is often useful for the Order of the Phoenix, of which he is a member.

Flint, Marcus : Chaser and captain on the Slytherin Quidditch team.

Flitwick, Filius : Professor Flitwick is the head of Ravenclaw and teaches charms to Hogwarts students. He is also a well-known dueling champion. As the smallest teacher at Hogwarts, he always teaches his classes perched on a pile of books so he can be seen by his students.

Fudge, Cornelius Oswald : Minister of Magic, that was somehow incompetent. He used to send a daily owl to Dumbledore for advice. He refuses to believe in the return of Voldemort, which would upset the order he has spent years establishing, and tries by all means to put Dumbledore aside because he suspects him of wanting to take his place. He finally comes to his senses at the end of Harry’s fifth year at school but loses his place afterwards.

Fawks : Dumbledore’s Phoenix, he helps Harry to fight Tom Riddle by bringing the Sorting Hat and the sword of Godric Gryffindor. He also heals Harry’s wounds and gives him courage during the Priori Incantatem in the Chamber of Secrets. He appears as a link between the members of the Order of the Phoenix, named after him, and serves them as a warning signal.

Filch, Argus : Hogwarts caretaker, he was always accompanied by his “cat” Mrs Norris. He is a Squib who hates Peeves, the smiting spirit, and the young wizards he secretly envies. Always lurking in the halls, he particularly likes to pick on Harry Potter.



Gaunt, Elvis Marvolo : Grandfather of Tom Elvis Riddle, descendant of Salazar Slytherin, hates Muggles. He died shortly after his release from prison.

Gaunt, Merope : Mother of Tom Elvis Riddle, descendant of Salazar Slytherin. She uses a love potion to seduce Tom Riddle Sr. but he leaves her while she is pregnant. Desperate, she gave up magic and died in childbirth at the orphanage where Voldemort spent his childhood.

Gaunt, Morfin: Brother of Merope, speaks Parsletongue, attacks Muggles for no reason, and is imprisoned in Azkaban for the Riddles murder, where he remains until his death.

Gobe-Planche, Wilhelmina : A substitute for the Care of Magical Creatures classes, she comes to act as Hagrid’s substitute in fifth year.

Goldstein, Anthony : Ravenclaw student, Prefect in his fifth year, member of the DA.

Gudgeon, Gladys : Probably one of Gilderoy Lockhart’s biggest fans, she has been writing to him every week since he was hospitalized at St. Mungo’s after he mistakenly cast an amnesia spell on himself.

Goyle, Gregory : Draco Malfoy’s inseparable and dim-witted companion, his father is a Death Eater.

Granger, Hermione (Jane) : A Gryffindor student and Harry’s best friend, she is studious, intelligent, rational and determined. She is the best student at Hogwarts, but underneath her “know-it-all” exterior is a girl who is doubtful and eager to prove herself. She and Ron spend their time fighting like ragheads, but there seems to be great affection behind the apparent hostility, and they finally get together in book 7, whose epilogue tells us that they will eventually get married and have two children, Hugo and Rose. She is very attached to her “cat”, Crookshanks, and to the cause of the house elves, for whom she creates the S.P.E.W. It is her idea to found the DA after the return of Voldemort. Birthday: September 19th.

Graup : Hagrid’s half-brother. He is a giant that Hagrid brings back from his mission among the giants and tries to raise. He is very rough but seems a bit attached to Hermione.

Greengrass, Daphne : Hogwarts student, takes the O.W.L practical spell exam at the same time as Hermione.

Greyback, Fenrir : Werewolf who bit Lupin and then Bill Weasley in book 6. Leader of Voldemort’s werewolves.

Gryffindor, Godric : Founding wizard of Hogwarts. His sword is used by Harry to kill the Basilisk.



Hagrid, Rubeus : The Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts. He is the son of a wizard and the giant Fridwulfa, he is suspected of having opened the Chamber of Secrets while in second year. His wand was broken and he was expelled; only Dumbledore’s concern allowed him to stay at Hogwarts. His love of animals earned him the title of Professor of Care of Magical Creatures. Member of the Order of the Phoenix since the beginning. Birthday: December 6.

Harper : Slytherin student, seeker for the Slytherin Quidditch team replacing Draco Malfoy.

Hedwig : White owl of character, she is one of Harry’s most loyal friends. Hagrid gave her to him on his eleventh birthday. It is a snowy owl, an owl which has the particularity to be diurnal. It is very majestic and a rare bird. Its name comes from Saint Hedwig. She is wounded in the fifth volume, by Dolores Umbridge who wanted to spy on Harry. She is killed at the beginning of book 7 when Harry and his escort are attacked by Death Eaters as they leave Privet Drive.

Herbert, Chorley: Muggle Secretary of State, affected by an Imperium spell, he is replaced.

Hermes: Owl given to Percy Weasley for his appointment as Prefect.

Higgs, Terence: He was the Slytherin Quidditch team Seeker during Harry’s first year.

Hokey: Hepzibah Smith’s old house elf, she got wrongfully

Hufflepuff, Helga : One of the founders of Hogwarts.



Irma Pince : Librarian at Hogwarts.



Johnson, Angelina : A chaser at the Gryffindor team, she took over from Oliver Wood as team captain during Harry’s fifth year. She is also a member of the AD.

Jones, Gwenog : Captain of the Holyhead Harpies.

Jones, Hestia : Member of the Order of the Phoenix, is part of the security detail that gets Harry off Privet Drive.

Jordan, Lee : A senior Gryffindor student in book 5 and best friend of the Weasley twins, he comments on all the Quidditch matches under the watchful eye of Professor McGonagall. He is a member of the AD.

Jorkins, Bertha : A first-rate meddler with an excellent memory, but unfortunately for her lack of clarity, she used to work closely with Barty Crouch Sr. at the Ministry of Magic. When she discovered that his son was still alive, Crouch Sr. cast an amnesia spell on her that was so powerful it affected her permanently. She was transferred to the Department of Magical Games and Sports. She got later captured by Wormtail during one of his trips to Albania the summer before Harry’s fourth year and brought her before Voldemort, who made her reveal what she knew, before eliminating her.



Karkaroff, Igor : Directeur de Durmstrang, l’école de magie bulgare, ancien Mangemort. Il est tué par les Mangemorts en tentant de les fuir.

Kirke, Andrew : Élève de Gryffondor, batteur de l’équipe après le renvoi des jumeaux Weasley et de Harry dans le tome 5.

Kreattur : Elfe de maison fidèle aux Black, il déteste Sirius et tous les bons sorciers qui ont trouvé refuge dans la maison de Square Grimmaurd. Sa trahison mènera de manière indirecte à la mort de Sirius. Quand Harry, Ron et Hermione viennent se réfugier à Square Grimmaurd il se révèle finalement être un elfe de maison modèle.

Krum, Victor : Très célèbre attrapeur de la Bulgarie, attrapeur de Durmstrang, un des quatre champions du Tournoi des Trois Sorciers. Il a un faible pour Hermione avec qui il correspond par lettres.



Leanne : Katie Bell’s friend, she was at her side when she is bewitched in volume 6.

Lestrange, Bellatrix : born Black, sister of Narcissa Malfoy and Andromeda Tonks and therefore Sirius’ cousin, she and her husband are among the most loyal Death Eaters. They inflicted the Doloris spell on the Longbottoms in an attempt to find their Master. Sentenced to Azkaban prison, they escaped after Voldemort’s return to join him. During the confrontation at the Department of Mysteries, Bellatrix causes Sirius to fall through the Death Veil. She is killed at the Battle of Hogwarts by Molly Weasley.

Lestrange, Rabastan : Brother of Rodolphus, he was one of the Death Eaters who tortured the Longbottoms. Sentenced to life in Azkaban with the Lestranges and Crouch Jr., he escaped during the mass escape in volume 5, and participated in the battle of the Department of Mysteries.

Lestrange, Rodolphus : Bellatrix’s husband, one of the most loyal Death Eaters.

Lockhart, Gilderoy : A Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher in Harry’s second year, Gilderoy Lockhart is a playboy who is adored by women. He is a self-confident writer who appropriates the exploits of other wizards whose memories he has erased. Because of Ron’s faulty wand, he erased his own memory and has since been treated at St Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.

Longbottom, Alice : A former Auror, Frank’s wife and Neville’s mother, the Death Eaters put her under the Cruciatus curse when they realized that Frank would not confess. She is being cared for by his side at St Mungo’s.

Longbottom, Augusta : Neville’s grandmother. She is raising her grandson.

Longbottom, Frank : Former Auror, Alice’s husband and Neville’s father, he was part of the first Order of the Phoenix. The Lestranges and Barty Crouch Jr. cast a Cruciatus curse on him in an attempt to make him reveal the location of Voldemort’s retreat after his fall. He did not die, but was severely affected. He is being treated at St Mungo’s Hospital.

Longbottom, Neville : A rather giddy Gryffindor student who is friends with Harry. He is a boy with an unfortunate history, raised by his grandmother, he is a loyal and generous ally who is also particularly excellent in Botany. He is a member of the AD. In his seventh year he proves to be much braver than expected as he takes the lead in the resistance at Hogwarts. Birthday : July 30.

Lovegood, Luna : A Slytherin student the same age as Ginny Weasley, her father runs the Quibbler. With her rather eccentric personality, Luna doesn’t seem to have many friends. However, her help was invaluable after Voldemort’s return, and Harry will find in her a comfort and understanding that Ron and Hermione cannot provide. She is a member of the AD.



McGonagall, Minerva : Assistant Headmistress of Hogwarts and head of the Gryffindor House, Professor McGonagall teaches the art of Transfiguration. Despite her austere and strict side, a big heart and a protective instinct for Harry are hidden behind her small square glasses. A declared Animagus, she can transform into a cat at will. She loves Quidditch and has a great devotion for Dumbledore. She was a member of the Order of the Phoenix since the beginning.

McKinnon, Marlene : A member of the original Order of the Phoenix, she was killed by Death Eaters before the fall of Lord Voldemort.

McLaggen, Cormac : A Gryffindor student and substitute Quidditch goalkeeper in book 6, he is very self-centered.

McMillan, Ernest : A Hufflepuff student, he initially believes Harry is the heir to Slytherin and leads a group to protect his friend Justin. He publicly apologizes when Hermione is petrified, acknowledging that Harry would never hurt her. He became a Prefect in his fifth year and showed his support for Harry and Dumbledore. He will later become a member of the AD.

McNair, Walden : Death Eater, executioner who was responsible for killing Buckbeak. He is sent by Voldemort to negotiate with the giants, and sentenced to Azkaban prison.

Malfoy, Draco : Harry’s worst enemy. He is a Slytherin and comes from a long line of bad wizards. He is a real kingpin in the school, but is actually a coward and lives in his father’s shadow. He is a member of the Umbridge inquisitorial Squad. Draco Malfoy was assigned to help the Death Eaters break into Hogwarts during his sixth year, but he and his parents eventually gave up their support for Voldemort. Birthday : June 5.

Malfoy, Lucius : Draco’s father, he works at the Ministry of Magic and is a very ambitious Death Eater.

Malfoy, Narcissa : Lucius Malfoy’s wife and Draco’s mother, she is from the noble and ancient house of Black.

Moody, Alastor (aka “Mad Eye”) : Member of the Order of the Phoenix and a retired Auror, he is completely paranoid and suspicious of everything. He has a habit of only eating and drinking what he makes himself. He should have been a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher in Harry’s fourth year, but got was kidnapped by Barty Crouch Jr. He was killed in a Death Eater attack while escorting Harry from Privet Drive.

Maxime, Olympe : Headmistress of Beauxbâtons, the French school of magic. Half-giant, she befriended Hagrid, with whom she went on a mission at the end of the fourth year to try to rally the giants to Dumbledore’s cause.

Myrtle Warren : A ghost who haunts the girls’ toilets, she was the victim of the Basilisk launched by Tom Riddle.

Mrs Norris : Argus Filch loyal “cat”, she spends her time snooping around.

Montague , Graham: A Slytherin student, he is the captain and a chaser of their Quidditch team. He is a member of the Umbridge Inquisitorial Squad. The Weasley twins, as a prank, made him disappear for a few days during Harry’s fifth year; he reappeared in the second floor bathroom.Mulciber : A Death Eater specializing in the Imperius Curse, he was captured at the time of Voldemort’s fall shortly before Karkaroff’s arrest, who tried in vain to buy his freedom in exchange for his name.

Mimsy-Porpington’s Nicholas (aka “Nearly Headless Nick”) : Gryffindor ghost. He aspires to join the Headless Horsemen’s Club but is constantly turned down. He celebrates his 500th death anniversary during Harry’s second year.



Nigellus, Phineas : Former Headmaster of Hogwarts, perhaps the least popular, and a former Slytherin. He is a member of the noble and very old House of Black. He is also Sirius’ great-great-grandfather. He is particularly unpatient and unsympathetic, and hates young people. However, his portrait serves as a means of communication between Hogwarts and Grimmauld Place.

Nott : Death Eater who escaped from prison after the fall of Voldemort, he witnesses Voldemort’s resurrection at the end of book 4, and also participates in the battle of the Department of Mysteries in book 5. His son, Theodore, is at Hogwarts with Slytherin. He is the “wiry” boy who manages to see the Thestral in Hagrid’s class, just like Harry and Neville.



Ogden, Bob : Employee of the Department of Magical Justice, responsible for the arrest of the Gaunts.

Ollivander, Garrick. : A wand maker and seller in the Diagon Alley since 392 BC. He was captured by Voldemort for his knowledge on Wandlore. He escaped from the Malfoy Manor with Harry and his friends.



Parkinson, Pansy : A Slytherin student who is always trying to make a fool of Hermione and get into the good graces of Draco, who she has a crush on. She is a member of Umbridge’s Inquisitorial Squad.

Patil, Padma : A Ravenclaw student and twin sister of Parvati, she is a member of the AD.

Patil, Parvati : Gryffindor student and twin sister of Padma, she accompanies Harry to the ball, loves Divination class and is always with her friend Lavender, they are both in the DA.

Peakes, Jimmy : Beater for the Gryffindor Quidditch team during Harry’s sixth year at school (volume 6).

Peeves : Striking spirit, always ready to do bad things.

Perkins : Wizard working at the Ministry with Arthur Weasley.

Pettigrow, Peter : Undeclared Animagus (called Wormtail because he turns into a rat), servant of Voldemort. After betraying the Potters and faking his murder by Sirius Black, he stayed with the Weasley family for twelve years as a rat. He was part of the first Order of the Phoenix. He killed Cedric Diggory at the end of the Three Wizards Tournament and donated his hand to revive Voldemort. He owes Harry a debt, however, and it will cost him his life. While Harry was imprisoned at the Malfoy’s Manor, Wormtail tries to strangle him, but his new silver hand turns against him when Harry reminds him of this debt.

Podmore, Sturgis : A member of the Order of the Phoenix, he was part of the bodyguards that escorted Harry Potter from Privet Drive. He is responsible for guarding the front door of the Department of Mysteries. He was sent to Azkaban for six months by the Ministry of Magic.

Pomfrey, Poppy : A Hogwarts nurse that healed a countless number of students and teachers. Affectionately known as “Pompom” by Professor Dumbledore.

Polkiss, Piers : He is one of Dudley’s best friends and a member of his gang.

Potter, Harry James : “The boy who survived”. He killed Voldemort and helped liberating the Wizarding World. Birthday : July 31.

Potter, James : Harry’s father, former Marauder, undeclared Animagus (he was called Prongs because he changed into a deer), member of the first Order of the Phoenix. He was murdered by Voldemort along with his wife Lily.

Potter, Lily (born Evans) : Mother of Harry Potter and member of the First Order of the Phoenix. She was murdered by Voldemort .

Prewett, Fabian and Gideon : Two brothers, members of the First Order of the Phoenix, who were attacked and killed by Death Eaters in a two-on-five match.

Prince Eileen : Mother of Severus Snape.

Pucey, Adrian : Slytherin chaser.



Quirell, Quirinus : A Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher in Harry’s first year, he was actually abused by Voldemort, who hid in the back of his head under a turban in the hopes of retrieving the Philosopher’s Stone and eliminating Harry Potter. The Dark Lord left him to die during a confrontation with Harry.



Ravenclaw, Rowena : One of the founders of Hogwarts.

Ravenclaw, Helena : The Ghost of Ravenclaw also known as the “Grey LDAy”. She is actually Rowena’s daughter, whom she was so jealous of that she stole her famous tiara and hid it in Albania before being murdered by the Bloody Baron.

Robards, Gawain : A skilled wizard who worked as an Auror under the command of Rufus Scrimgeour during the 2nd wizarding war. He later became the new heDA of the Auror Department.

Robins, Demelza : Gryffindor’s chaser (book 6).

Riddle, Tom Elvis : The real name of Voldemort, a half-blood wizard, he was abandoned by his father, and his mother died at his birth. He is the true heir of Slytherin and aims to eliminate all wizards who are not pure-blooded. He is killed by Harry during the great battle of Hogwarts.

Rookwood, Augustus : Death Eater and spy at the Ministry, he worked at the Department of Mysteries. It was to him that Ludo Verpey inDAvertently gave vital information about the Aurors. Denounced by Karkaroff, he took DAvantage of the massive escape in volume 5 to flee. He participated in the battle of the Department of Mysteries.

Rosier, Evan : Death Eater killed by the Aurors after the fall of Voldemort. Karkaroff turned him in, but he refused to surrender and mutilated Moody’s nose in the battle.

Rosmerta, MDAame : Owner and waitress of the Three Broomsticks bar.



Scrimgeour, Rufus : HeDA of the Aurors and Minister of Magic from book 6 onwards, he tries to use Harry in any way he can to gain popularity.

Snape, Severus : Potions Master at Hogwarts, Professor Snape is the most hated teacher at Hogwarts, except for the students of the house he heDAs, Slytherin. A former Death Eater with an ambiguous attitude, he is a member of the new Order of the Phoenix. He becomes the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts in book 6 where he kills Dumbledore. We discover that he was in love with Lily, Harry’s mother, all his life and that it was the threat to her life that mDAe him change sides. He is finally killed by Voldemort in front of Harry, to whom he has just enough time to confide memories explaining all his actions. Birthday : January 9.

Slytherin, Salazar : Founder of Hogwarts. He left the school after a disagreement, leaving behind a secret chamber and a Basilisk so that his rightful heir could hunt down the “Mudbloods”.

Shacklebolt, Kingsley : His position as Auror at the Ministry of Magic allows him to act as a double agent for the Order of the Phoenix. He is officially in charge of finding Sirius Black and is part of the security detail that gets Harry off Privet Drive. He is responsible for the protection of the Muggle Prime Minister in book 6 and is appointed temporary Minister of Magic after the defeat of Voldemort.

Sinistra, Professor : Hogwarts Astronomy teacher.

Skeeter, Rita : Gossip reporter working for the Daily Prophet, and unregistered Animagus (she changes into a beetle). Hermione blackmails her and uses her against the Ministry of Magic while they were blind to Voldemort’s return.

Slughorn, Horace : Former HeDAmaster of Slytherin and friend of Dumbledore, in book 6, he becomes the Potions teacher and replaces Professor Snape as HeDA of House at the end.

Smith, Hepzibah : A rich old lDAy killed by Tom Riddle because she hDA a Hufflepuff relic of which she was the descendant and a medallion that belonged to Slytherin.

Smith, Zacharias : Hufflepuff student and chaser for his Quidditch team, he is puzzled by Voldemort’s return, but joins the DA anyway.

Spinnet, Alicia : Chaser for the Gryffindor Quidditch team. She is also a member of the DA.

Stanley Shunpike : An employee at the Knight Bus, he was arrested in book 6 and suspected of being a Death Eater. He is even one of the Death Eaters who attacked Harry and his escort when they left Privet Drive, but it is not known if he did so willingly.

Snape, Tobias : Severus’ father, a Muggle.


Thomas, Dean : A Gryffindor student who shares the same dormitory as Harry, he is a loyal friend and member of the DA. Raised by his muggle mother and stepfather, he is actually the son of a wizard who was murdered because he refused to become a Death Eater. His mother only suspected his father’s true nature when the letter from Hogwarts arrived at their house. He dated Ginny at the end of his fifth year.

Tom : Bartender at the Leaky Cauldron.

Tonks, Andromeda : Born Black, Tonks’ mother, Bellatrix and Narcissa’s sister and Sirius’ cousin.

Tonks, Nymphdora : Daughter of Ted Tonks and Andromeda Black, she prefers (and even demands) to be called just Tonks. A rather eccentric Metamorphmagus, she has proven to be very talented. Member of the new Order of the Phoenix. She is in love with Lupin, who finally agrees to marry her at the end of the Harry’s sixth year at school. They have a son, Teddy, a shapeshifter like his mother. She is killed in the Battle of Hogwarts.

Tonks, Ted : Husband of Andromeda and father of Nymphdora, in volume 7 his Muggle origins forced him to flee. He is later caught and killed.

Travers : Death Eater who participated in the murder of the McKinnons, according to Karkaroff during his trial.

Trelawney, Sybille : An eccentric divination teacher, Trelawney rarely leaves the tower in which she teaches. A descendant of Cassandra Trelawney, she shows little gift for Divination, but the few real predictions she has made prove to be a Seer of great importance…

Trevor : Neville’s Toad.



Umbridge, Dolores Jane : Sent by the Ministry to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher in Harry’s fifth year, she is far more cruel and evil than Professor Snape. She takes great pleasure in abusing Harry, accusing him of lying and trying to disrupt the order established by Conelius Fudge. She is appointed Grand Inquisitor of Hogwarts and subjects the school to numerous decrees. She also possessed the Slytherin locket that serves as Voldemort’s Horcrux.



Vance, Emmeline : Member of the Order of the Phoenix, is part of the bodyguards that allows Harry to leave Privet Drive. She dies at the beginning of book 6, murdered by Death Eaters.

Vane, Romilda : A Gryffindor student. She offers chocolates filled with love potion to Harry in book 6 to be able to date him.

Vector, Professor : Professor of Arithmancy at Hogwarts, Hermione has a special devotion to him.

Voldemort : A dark wizard who has reigned terror for years and who regains his powers at the end of volume 4. His followers are called Death Eaters and he tries to eliminate Harry Potter to consolidate his power. Believing himself to be the rightful owner of the Elder Wand, he attacks Harry, to whom it belongs in reality. The wand turns against him and defeats him.



Weasley, Arthur : Former Gryffindor student and father of Ron, works in the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office Department at the Ministry of Magic. A very nice man with a passion for Muggles, he is a member of the Order of the Phoenix and was seriously injured by Nagini after Voldemort’s return. Birthday : February 6.

Weasley, Bill : Former Gryffindor student, brother of Ron, he works at Gringotts Wizarding Bank. He also joined the Order of the Phoenix. Described as the “coolest” of the Weasley brothers : he has a ponytail, leather boots and wears a snake hook as an earring. Unfortunately, he is attacked by Greyback the werewolf at the end of volume 6 and is left with some after-effects. He marries Fleur Delacour at the beginning of book 7.

Weasley, Charlie : Former student and seeker of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, he takes care of dragons in Romania. He takes charge of Norbert and provides the dragons for the Three Wizards Tournament. He later joined the Order of the Phoenix. Birthday : December 12.

Weasley, Fred and George : Gryffindor students, twins, they leave Umbridge’s dictatorial Hogwarts with panache at the end of Harry’s fifth year. They are particularly fond of pranks. They eventually opened their own store on Diagon Alley with the funds donated to them by Harry. Before they leave, they become part of the DA. But George loses an ear in a Death Eater attack and Fred is killed in the battle of Hogwarts. Birthdays : April 1 (Not to surprise anyone!).

Weasley, Ginevra (known as Ginny) : A student of Gryffindor, she is the youngest of the Weasley children, and has a boundless admiration for Harry Potter. A brave and kind young girl, she turns out to be a formidable ally as she grows up. She was part of the DA. Becomes a chaser for the Quidditch team in volume 6 and goes out with Harry Potter. We learn in the epilogue that they will end up getting married and having 3 children : James, Albus and Lily. Birthday : August 11.

Weasley, Molly : Former student of Gryffindor and mother of Ron, small plump woman, sweet and kind, who becomes like a second mother for Harry. But she is also a member of the Order of the Phoenix and turns out to be much less harmless than she seems when her family is in danger, to the point of killing Bellatrix Lestrange during the battle of Hogwarts after a memorable fight. Birthday : October 30.

Weasley, Muriel : A particularly hateful great-aunt of the Weasleys who owns a tiara that Molly wants to lend to Fleur for her wedding.

Weasley, Percival Ignatus (aka Percy) : Former student, Head Prefect and Prefect of Gryffindor, he works at the Ministry of Magic with Fudge. Above all ambitious, he turns his back on his family by taking a clear stand for Fudge. He finally returned to his family to take part in the Battle of Hogwarts. Birthday : August 22.

Weasley, Ronald Bilius (known as Ron) : Gryffindor student, best friend of Harry. He suffers from his family’s poverty and hates being in Harry’s shadow, to the point of sometimes feeling jealous of him. A feeling between Hermione and him takes shape and they will finally go out together in volume 7. He becomes Prefect in fifth year and is part of the DA. Birthday : March 1st.

Winky : Former house elf of the Crouch family. Her master free her during the Quidditch World Cup for not obeying his orders. Dumbledore then employs her at Hogwarts, she remains unhappy with her dismissal and the death of her masters.

Worple, Eldred : Friend of Slughorn, he wants to write Harry Potter’s autobiography.

Wood, Oliver : Keeper and captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team until the end of Harry’s third year, he was later recruited into the Puddlemere United Quidditch team.


Zabini, Blaise : A Slytherin student.



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