The Ginny Weasley Quiz

"Anything's Possible If You've Got Enough Nerve." - Ginny Weasley
Ginny Weasley is Ron's resourceful sister. She's also a Hogwarts student sorted into Gryffindor.
She was born on August 11, 1981 and is the first daughter and last child of the Weasleys, a family composed of several members living at the Burrow.
The girl is the youngest of Ron and Harry by one year, and falls in love with the latter from their first year, although she will not admit her feelings until her fifth year.
Her first year at Hogwarts was eventful as she was possessed by Tom Riddle's diary, wrote bloody messages on the school walls, and nearly died at its end.
Growing up with many brothers, she was never afraid to assert herself in front of other students, whether they were friends or enemies.
Thanks to this, Ginny will become quite popular and appreciated for her frankness in all circumstances, and many boys will want to date her.
She is very brave and would not hesitate to sacrifice herself for her friends, as she has demonstrated in the various battles she has participated in.
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