
The Bellatrix Lestrange Quiz

The Bellatrix Lestrange Quiz

"We're going to have a little chat, girl on girl." - Bellatrix Lestrange

Bellatrix is characterized by her insanity and sadism.

She is deeply fascinated by the dark arts and by her master, Lord Voldemort, whom she secretly loves.

Pleasing him is her greatest desire while disappointing him is her greatest fear.

In terms of torment, Bellatrix is particularly perverse and dangerous. She's the kind of witch who can kill in a blink of an eye.

She lacks all reason, is mostly driven by madness and even appears uncontrollable to many.

Her attitude towards others is impulsive and sociopathic. She cares nothing for others, even in her own camp.

On the other hand, she shows great affection for her family, especially for her sister Narcissa, who seems to be the only one who can safely stand up to her, along with Voldemort.

Bellatrix is a witch with prodigious magical skills. She has a strong knowledge of dark magic, which she enjoys using on her targets.

She was one of the most loyal and dangerous members of the Death Eaters.

How well do you know Bellatrix Lestrange? If you think that you can answer all the questions related to her, you will love this quiz.

Go through the 20 questions and let us find out your score at the end.


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