The Acromantula Quiz

The Acromantula Quiz

"I come from a distant land. A traveler gave me to Hagrid when I was an egg." - Aragog

The Acromantula is a species of extremely large spiders. It is carnivorous and has a strong taste for large prey.

Although highly intelligent, the Acromantula is classified as an animal by the Ministry of Magic.

It has the ability to speak intelligently but cannot help but try to devour any human that comes within its reach.

It is believed that this creature was created by a wizard to guard his home or a treasure: creatures with speech are not usually self-taught.

The Acromentula is a monstrous spider with many eyes and the ability to talk to humans. It is native to Asia where it lives in the jungle.

It is distinguished by the thick black hair that covers its body, a spread of legs that can reach several meters long, claws that produce characteristic clicks when the creature is excited or angry and the venom it secretes.

How well do you know the Acromantulas? This quiz will test your knowledge of this dangerous creature.

Each question will require only one good answer! Go through all the questions to see your score displayed at the end.

Share this quiz with a friend who is scared of big spiders to help him develop resilience in his future encounters.

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